Frequently Asked Questions
Se ofrece aquí respuesta a una selección de las preguntas más frecuentes planteadas por los usuarios de nuestros servicios.
01 What is an organization?.
It refers to a person or group of people who have their own roles with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve their goals.
02 What is a management system?.
It is a set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies, objectives and processes to achieve these objectives. Entry to a management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines, e.g. quality management, financial management or environmental management.
03 Should I have a management model in my company?
In the same way there are financial models, statistical models, etc., a company must not only identify its management model as tools to carry out daily activities and tasks that lead to achieve planned results, but also be able to make management adjustments towards continuous improvement.
04 Why is it useful for my company to implement a process-based management approach?
As previously stated, approach is "the way to value or consider a thing" therefore the organization should focus on identifying and analyzing their processes, as they can be defined, measured and improved. These processes interact to deliver results consistent with organizational objectives and cross functional boundaries. Some processes can be critical while others may not be. The processes have interrelated activities with inputs that generate outputs.
05 Does thinking about risk in my company generate more uncertainty?
Think about an everyday predicament, “if we decided to cross a street, we look at the traffic before crossing but in turn we synchronize (align) ourselves with the proper traffic lights for such action”. In the previous premise traffic is the risk generator and will always be present. In such situation (crossing the street) the traffic light presents itself in the mitigating action of such risk. That risk – action relationship is directly associated to the condition of randomness, which is why foreseeing risks reduces uncertainties. Assessing and managing risks the organization faces as an integrated system increases/improves the probability of achieving the objectives that were set. Risk-based thinking establishes the manner in which an organization should proceed to improve costumer’s confidence and satisfaction, and assure consistency of quality of goods and services. Risk-bases thinking creates a proactive culture of prevention and improvement within the company that leads to success. Being realistic is essential when it comes to risk management. For example, the possibility of a vehicle colliding with our house is slim, however, the risk that a server containing sensitive information crashes is significantly higher. Although the magnitude of uncertainties presented are similar, their assessments are different.